2021/2022 Annual Ceremonial Review
In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Iyarhe Nakoda Nationa, the Metis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.
REGULAR TRAINING - April 1, 2025
Location: The Hangar Flight Museum: 4629 McCall Way NE, Calgary, AB (See map)
Time: Cadets Arrive: 1830hrs Dismissal: 2100hrs
Dress of the Day: All Cadets: FTUs or black pants, white dress shirt if you don’t have any FTUs
Officers: Cadpat Civilian Staff: Business Casual
PARENTS: This event is parental drop off and pick up only. Please do not leave your cadet if you can’t see a staff member.
***Please note there may be updates to this announcement, please continue to check in regularly.
TIME: 1830hrs to 2030hrs
Band And Flag Party
Bring a snack and water bottle as there is no canteen
PARENTS: Due to the inclement weather, please do not just drop your cadet off, make sure a staff is there and the doors are open. Thank you for your understanding.
The ceremony honors the fallen from both our countries during the time of Remembrance Day and Veterans Day. Both Gold Star and Memorial Cross families participate.
This year you will be able to view the ceremony live via the link below.
Link is in the Calendar
Tech Talks' is an interactive online CAF Engagement presentation that features CAF members. These episodes provide a general awareness of the many CAF occupations not normally seen in the popular media. Cadets can log-in from their corps/sqn, or on their own devices, for an introduction to, and interaction with, some of the many technicians that keep our ships afloat, soldiers on the ground, and aircraft in the sky.
The next Tech Talks episode will be WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 2025 featuring an Avionics Systems Technician & Aerospace Engineering Officer.
Cadet 365 IT Support
If you are having issues with logging in to your Cadet 365 account, contact :
IT Phone: 1-855-252-8082
IT Email:
Cadets that do not have a blue uniform can expect a phone call from Lt Irving to schedule with a time to come to the trailer starting March 11th. Lt. Irving will be scheduling cadets while we do not have access to the school on Tuesdays (if no activity is pending) and Wednesdays . Please understand this scheduling could change as Capt. Hochbaum works to plan alternative parade locations or activities during the service worker strike. If you do not get a call from Lt. Irving and need a blue uniform, please EMAIL him at:
Our Impact
Cadets learn valuable life skills. These skills will aid them in developing into the leaders of tomorrow. Cadets retire from the program proud, healthy both mentally and physically, contribute to society positively, well-developed self-discipline, and represent the very best that Canada has to offer to the next generation. When you join Cadets, you make a difference in your community and country.
Cadets in canada
With 8,737 Cadets in the Prairies, there is a good chance you know one already!
air cadets
Air Cadets make up just under half of all Cadets within Canada.
common goal
We all strive to make Canada a better place. Now you can too.
Join Us! Your next adventure awaits!
538 ‘Buffalo' Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:15pm at Ernest Morrow Junior High School - 1212 47 Street SE
To be eligible as a cadet, you must meet the following 4 requirements:
Be a legal resident of Canada;
Note: A legal resident of Canada is a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, or, the dependent of a person who is lawfully residing in Canada on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment.Provide proof of provincial or private health insurance coverage;
Be at least 12, but not yet 19 years of age; and
Not belong to another cadet corps or squadron; and be accepted to the Squadron by the Commanding Officer.
Please direct any additional questions to the squadron email at
Ready to start today?
Download, complete and return the following documents to our Recruiting team:
Go to and complete the online application form and then email the administration officer CI Noelle Dierickse at
Bring along copies of:
Evidence of Date of Birth: Canadian Passport or Birth Certificate, and
Private or Provincial Health Care Cards (we don’t take copies of these, we just need to see it!)
Q. Should I join Army, Air or Sea Cadets?
AIR, obviously!! All of the cadet organizations are fantastic, and each will teach you valuable skills while having great fun in a specific elemental setting. The choise is yours. All we ask is that you come visit us on one of our training nights before you decide. After that, you'll know.
Q. What do the Cadets do?
Some of our activities include: Flight training, Ground School training towards pilot’s licenses, Camping, Orienteering and Military Navigation Training, Air Rifle Shooting, Biathlon Team, Marksmanship Team, Drill Team, Winter Survival Training, Team Sports, Leadership & Citizenship Training, Radio Procedures, First Aid Certification, Summer Training (we pay you to go!) and much more!! Click here to see all the badges, medals, and courses you can take as an Air Cadet.
Q. If I join the cadets, am I in the military?
While the cadet programme does foster a better understanding of the Canadian Armed Forces, and the Department of National Defense provides funding for the program, cadets are not members of the Canadian military! You will not handle military firearms, throw grenades, drive a tank or fight overseas! But you will go camping on field training exercises, learn about aircraft the Royal Canadian Air Force uses, and learn to lead other cadets - just to name a few. And you'll play a special role in things like the annual Battle of Britain and Remembrance Day parades. Certainly there are cadets who choose to go onward to a military career, but most do not. Cadets teaches you life skills that you will take with you on whatever path your choose.
Q. What does it cost?
The program is funded by the Department of National Defense with additional local fundraising coordinated by the corps Support Committee. It costs nothing to join, and the uniforms, most travel expenses, food, lodging, training and more is provided. There are only a few small expenses such as your name tag and pocket money for the kids for trips.
Q. Do I get paid to be a cadet?
Yes, and no. Cadets who attend summer training centres receive a training bonus at the end of each week. Also, senior cadets who return to training centres as staff are paid a daily wage and make very good money for the summer. Most staff cadets are 16-18 years of age and they come back with lots of money in their bank accounts!
Q. Do I get to shoot guns?
Once you have been adequately trained on safety precautions and handling procedures, and have proven yourself a responsible cadet, you might then be eligible to be coached as a target rifle marksman. Cadets who participate in marskmanship use the Daisy Air Rifle, a pellet rifle designed for cadet use in marksmanship competitions. Cadets are supervised at all times by the Range Safety Officer (RSO), senior cadets and coaches. As you progress through your training, opportunities may arise where you will be able to fire competition rifles that are typically .22 caliber, for biathlon or National Rifle Team members.
Q. What kind of teams are there in Cadets?
538 has something for everyone. If you are a cadet who wants to do more than come out to regular parade nights and exercises, you might like to check out one of our many teams. Being part of a team adds to your skills and abilities, and opens up wonderful opportunities for competition and travel. There are drill teams, marksmanship teams, biathlon teams, and more in the works.
Q. Will I have people bossing me around?
You will have other, more senior, cadets in charge of you. You will not be bossed around, belittled, or made to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. You will, however, be guided by your seniors and be made to contribute to the corps' overall tasks and goals. You must follow instruction. But once you have proven yourself to be a good follower, you will begin to climb the ranks and take on a leadership role of your own. In no time you will have cadets of your own to command - and teach! There are eight ranks, beginning with recruit. The sooner your join, the sooner you move up!
Q. There are so many people around, will I make friends?
Definitely! Whether you are shy or outgoing, you are certain to make a ton of friends in cadets. Here's why. When you come to cadets for the first time you will be put together with other new recruits, and you'll get to know who they are. Not long after, you will be put into a 'flight'. A flight is made up of only 10-20 cadets and these people will become your closest buddies! As soon as you're in a flight you will meet your Sergeant or Flight Sergeant - the cadet in charge of your flight. S/he is there to answer all your questions - when in doubt, ask your Sergeant!
Flights and sections always work as a team so you will be surprised just how fast you learn everyone's name! You will also be placed in a Level, Level One for new recruits. Level One’s attend all their classes and training together, so you will get to know a whole bunch of new cadets just like yourself. Lastly, if you are concerned about making new friends, bring an old one! We are always happy to welcome new cadets and many new recruits bring a friend to join with them.
Q. What are the uniforms like?
There is one type of uniform: the dress uniform. Uniforms are supplied to you by the Cadet Squadron at no cost. We only ask that you take care of them as per regulations and promptly attach new rank badges and other training badges you earn to your uniform!
Q. Is there travel involved?
Throughout your cadet career you will have a chance to go to different cities in Alberta, and sometimes other provinces. This is especially true if you join one of the teams, as they often travel to competitions.
The Squadron as a whole also does trips for citizenship training. Once you have completed your cadet training and have obtained your Level Five qualifications, you may be eligible to do an overseas exchange with 20-30 cadets from all over Canada! Exchange cadets might go to the USA, England, or even Scotland!
Summer Training
What are you doing this summer? While local training takes place during the scheduled school year, Cadets have the opportunity to apply to various courses and positions at Cadet Training Centres across Canada! Whether it’s learning new skills, taking a staffing position, or even learning how to fly an aeroplane, our Cadets get the opportunity to try new things and make new friends all year! Oh and you’ll get a training bonus paid to you for going, or paid seven days a week if you’re hired to be a Staff Cadet! Speak to our Recruiting team and Senior Cadets to discover what new adventures await you next summer!
With four different Music courses to pick from, your musical talents will have a place to grow! Pick from Basic Military Band: perfect for newer Cadets who want to participate in the Squadron band; who can then graduate into Intermediate Military Band. Pipe Band, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced courses teach similar skills as Military Band, but for Pipes & Drums members. Of course, there’s more to these courses than just music! You’ll also learn drill, first aid, instructional/leadership techniques, and more!
advanced aviation
This course prepares Cadets to be leaders, instructors, and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) at the Squadron. Courses include meteorology, navigation, leadership and instructional techniques, and more!
Drill & Ceremonial
Basic Drill and Ceremonial Courses provides Cadets an opportunity to build on drill learned at the Squadron, participate in advanced drill and ceremonial activities, and to develop leadership skills and knowledge; while performing the role of a team leader. Activities include commanding a squad on parade, drill with arms (rifles), flag drill, and marksmanship training.
glider & power pilot scholarships
If earning a pilot’s license is your goal, then these are the courses for you! If you are 16 years of age or older, then you can qualify for the Glider Pilot Scholarship Course. If you’re 17 years of age or older, you can qualify for the Power Pilot Scholarship Course. Both courses are highly competitive, but extremely rewarding. You will earn Transport Canada qualifications as either a Glider or Private Pilot! You can even earn BOTH! Click here to watch Rick Mercer glide with the Air Cadet program!

“Many people think of Cadets as preparation for a career in the military, but it is really about preparing for life; about developing skills, the qualities and the confidence that will allow these young people to prosper and contribute to the Canada of tomorrow.”
Sen. Art Eggleton, Former Minister of National Defence
Get Involved
Parents of Cadets can do more than simply drop off and pick up from Training. You can make a difference in the Squadron too! Speak to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee to find out how you can make the Squadron a better experience for your, and future, Cadets!
Sign Up with the squadron
All the paperwork required to enroll in Cadets can be found here. Speak to our Recruiters for more information, or to pick up a printed Enrollment Package.
Volunteer opportunities
Parents, civilians with an interest in helping to shape the youth leaders of tomorrow, and Regular/Reserve Members of the Canadian Armed Forces can make a difference. Check out how you can be part of the ‘Buffalo’ Family!
Make a Donation
Though mandatory activities are funded by DND and the ACL, the Squadron relies on the donations of citizens to help our Cadets experience new and exciting activities. Find out how you can make a difference.